Speckled Trout


Paul Katsus is a Service Consultant for a major electrical utility company. Although Paul Katsus has fished for fresh water trout most of his life, he has recently discovered the salt water speckled trout. The salt water speckled Trout is not actually a trout at all but a member of the drum family of fish. Speckled Trout can be identified by their elongated bodies with spots. On younger Trout the spots are more prominent and are more numerous on the back. Specks have two very easy to recognize identification features; 1) they have two large canine teeth and 2) the inside of their mouths are yellow. Specks can grow to a maximum size of about 16 pounds but the average size is around one pound.

Speckled Trout are popular salt water gamefish mainly because it is an aggressive feeder and will often school up in large numbers making for rapid fire fishing action when they are found congregating. The trout is also known for its tasty flaky meat and good flavor, making speckled trout very popular not only as a sport fish, but also as table fare. Paul Katsus can recommend Speckled Trout both for sport and excellent healthy eating.